Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Hance Dog Park?

Hance Dog Park is located between 3rd and 5th Avenues, just south of Culver Street, in the historic Roosevelt Neighborhood of downtown Phoenix.

Driving Directions

● From the West: Exit I-10 on 7th Avenue. Go north (left) to Culver Street and then go east (right) two blocks to the park.

● From the East: Exit 1-10 on 7th Avenue. Go north (right) to Culver Street and then go east (right) two blocks to the park.

● Culver Street is three blocks south of McDowell Road. Hance Dog Park is located between 3rd and 5th Avenues. Parking is available in the parking lot between the small and large dog parks just south of Culver Street between 3rd and 5th Avenues.

Get Directions Here

What hours is Hance Dog Park open?

Hance Dog Park is open from 6:30 AM to 9 PM every day. In the event of heavy rain, the park may be temporarily closed to allow the turf to dry (call 623-850-4716 if you have questions or contact the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department website at http://phoenix.gov/parks/parks/dogparks/).

How do I become a member of Friends of Hance Dog Park?

Annual membership dues are $10 for individuals, $20 for families (in both cases, regardless of number of dogs in the family) or $100 for associate members (corporation or non-profit organization).

Checks should be made payable to Phoenix Parks Foundation with “Friends of Hance Dog Park” in the memo field of your check.  You can deliver your filled-out Membership Form and the appropriate dues (cash or check filled out as described above) to any Friends Board member, or contact Friends of Hance Dog Park by email at  with questions about membership or to arrange for submittal of your Membership Form and dues.

Click here to visit the “Get Involved” page to become a member!

How old do dogs have to be to go to Hance Dog Park?

Dogs must be older than 4 months and be up to date on shots and vaccinations. Maricopa County requires that all dogs in the county be licensed and have rabies shots.

My dog is in heat. Can she go to Hance Dog Park?

No. The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department Rules and Regulations forbid dogs in heat to go to any Phoenix dog park.

Can I smoke at the Hance Dog Park?

No. The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department Rules and Regulations forbid smoking, alcoholic beverages, or food within the dog park. Cigarette and cigar butts can cause health problems if eaten by dogs.

Can I eat while my dog plays at Hance Dog Park?

No. The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department Rules and Regulations forbid smoking, alcoholic beverages, or food within the dog park. Food wrappers and remains can cause health problems if eaten by dogs.

Can my child take my dog to Hance Dog Park?

The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department Rules and Regulations forbid any children under the age of 12 within the dog park unless accompanied by an adult. If your child is older than 12, he/she may not take a dog to the dog park unless he/she is able to maintain the dog under voice control and keep the dog in sight at all times.

Are there any tips of guidelines to help ensure a trip to the dog park is safe and enjoyable by dogs and their owners?

Yes, the City of Phoenix Dog Park Rules and Regulations apply in Hance Dog Park and can be found at http://phoenix.gov/parks/parks/dogparks/dogrules.html. In addition to the City of Phoenix Department of Parks and Recreation Dog Park Rules and Regulations, Friends of Hance Dog Park has developed guidelines to help ensure the enjoyment of the dog park by all. These guidelines can be found at:http://www.friendsofhancedogpark.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=122&action=edit